I-90 Seed Solutions customer Mark Lenz is the 2013 winner of Monsanto’s “Americas Farmers Grow Rural Communities” program.
About: I90SeedAdmin
Vivamus vel sem at sapien interdum pretium. Sed porttitor, odio in blandit ornare, arcu risus pulvinar ante, a gravida augue justo sagittis ante. Sed mattis consectetur metus quis rutrum. Phasellus ultrices nisi a orci dignissim nec rutrum turpis semper.
Recent Posts by I90SeedAdmin
Why Inoculate?
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by I90SeedAdmin
I-90 Services
There are many benefits to inoculating your beans. Why not protect the cost of your inputs and aim for those high yields you know are possible?
Spring 2013 Newsletter
We recently put together Volume 1, Issue 1 of the I-90 Seed Solutions newsletter. Check out the following link and let us know what you think.
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