Why Inoculate?
There are many benefits to inoculating your beans. Why not protect the cost of your inputs and aim for those high yields you know are possible? Protect your investment and consider treating your seed.
Check out these highlights:
- 50% of Soybean’s N comes from nodulation & fixation
- Rhizobia can produce 55-120 pounds/A of N; carryover benefits next year’s corn crop
- Naturally occuring or carryover Rhizobia are potentially less vigorous or effective vs.freshly applied Rhizobia
- Quicker & increased nodulation = increased root growth & health which = increased nodulation & N fixation & will = higher yields by an average of 3-5 bushels per acre!
The highest probability for response:
- Cool, wet soils (in general)
- Flooding or ponding for 3-7 days
- Low organic matter
- Corn on Corn, Pasture, CRP
- Eroded Soils
- Low pH (<6.0)
- High pH (>8.0)
- Drought or heat stressed soils
We treat with Acceleron which contains three systemic fungicides for complete activity for pythium, rhizoctonia, phytopthora, & fusarium. It contains a higher rate of insecticide for robust activity for overwintering bean leaf beetle, early season aphids and seed corn maggot.
We also use Vault HP which is a 3-way, multi component growth-enhancing system. It contains a minimum guaranteed count of 10 billion rhizobia per mL & multi-strain nitrogen-fixing bacteria produced fresh each growing season for maximum viability and performance. It’s patented growth enhancer improves nodulation creating a boost in nutrient availability so you see higher yields. And the Integral biofungicide extends suppression of yieldrobbing rhizoctonia and fusarium; promoting root structure and advanced vigor.
I-90 Seed Solutions wants you to get the most profit potential available. Come see us for all of your soybean seed treatment needs.
Whether you purchased your seed from us or not; we’ll pick them up, treat and deliver them back to your farm. Your time is valuable, so let us take care of your needs this season and free up a little bit more of that time for you!